And so, the beat goes on, another day. We are surviving our Black
Swan Event.
When this is all over, what will go down in history is how
we, as a nation, pulled together, and the special people who
became our heroes during the most significant event that has
threatened our existence. These heroes are our front-line
healthcare workers, our leaders who perform with
consistency, strength, discipline, and confidence. And the
countless people who work essential jobs that keep us safe,
connected, and fed. And maybe your spouse, your family,
friends, neighbors, and colleagues, pulling together to
reassure each other that we will get through this.
I also think about us as a people and how we rose to the
challenge to find a strategy to get this under control, as
eradicating COVID-19 is not possible. Yet, we are finding
ways to treat it, to live with it, to mitigate its effects,
to reduce our likelihood of becoming infected. I can say
with confidence that we will, in the future, have anti-viral
medications and immune-modulating treatments that make a
difference to those with severe disease and ultimately, a
Will we ever be the same? What did we learn? Am I different?
Stronger? Wiser? Happier? Importantly, did the events of
this pandemic play out as you thought?
The numbers:
Maryland: 15,737 cases -/- 680 deaths -/- 4.3% fatality rate
-- -- -- --(deaths are +49, up from +47 yesterday)
The Ro in Maryland is now under 1.0
as of just after midnight.
This is encouraging information. The Governor will announce
his plan for reopening the State tomorrow.
Yesterday, the Director of the CDC and Dr. Fauci cautioned
us about a second wave in the fall, which could complicate
things if the upcoming flu season is significant. The
message is that we must adapt to our new world, be smart, be
careful and go slowly as we adjust to our new reality.
Diagnostics and Therapeutics:
Nothing new to report today.
On a musical note:
The Sound of Music - My Favorite
Things, COVID version

And on a lighter note: