Dear Patients,
Yesterday was the fourth consecutive day that Maryland has
seen a decrease in hospitalizations due to COVID-19.
However, we topped 80,000 deaths nationwide, which has
surpassed all annual influenza deaths during the past 50
years. Dr. Fauci is scheduled to testify before the Senate
today and is expected to warn that reopening the US too
quickly could bring "suffering and death." Maryland is
addressing a hot spot on the Eastern Shore, the home of
Perdue Farms. Meat processing plants have been hit hard with
many workers contained in close quarters.
Every day we are learning more about the intrinsic biology
of COVID-19. We better understand transmission, testing and
supportive care. Some initial findings have not changed; up
to 50% of people get asymptomatic infections and another 30%
get only mild infections. Presently, there is a 4-5%
fatality rate in the US. In Maryland, up to 50% of the
deaths are from nursing facilities and close to 80% are over
the age of 70. We must proceed slowly with an incremental,
data-driven re-opening; otherwise we will create a more
disastrous outcome.
A review of things we can do to stay well:
Protect our most vulnerable: the elderly and people with
Regular testing in chronic care facilities appears to be
an effective tool in minimizing exposure to the
Wear a face mask when out of your safe zone.
Good hand hygiene.
Get sunshine and socialize outside with appropriate
Eat well, get sleep and exercise.
Take Vitamin D-3, 2000 units per day
Address your stress and anxiety; talk about it,
meditate, do deep breathing, call a friend, distract
yourself with pleasurable activities.
Read a book, such as BOOM! (see below).
Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows,
but only empties today of its strength."
- Charles Spurgeon
The numbers:
34,061 cases -/- 1,563 deaths -/- 4.6% fatality rate
2/3 of the deaths in Maryland are those over the age of 70.
Please consider purchasing a copy or copies
Remember, all proceeds benefit COVID-19 research
at the University of Maryland Medical Center.
Ordering instructions are below.

The Maryland Rt
was updated yesterday and is 0.98 (stable); the lower the
Diagnostics and Therapeutics:
Nothing new to report.
My book update:
Another reminder, it's here - both as a paperback and Kindle
e-book! I have one request of you when you finish reading
this email if you haven't already done so, and that is to
please consider purchasing a copy or copies of my book to
help fund important COVID-19 research.
Instructions for ordering the book:
Paperback version -
here to go directly to Amazon.
Kindle e-book –
If you are purchasing the Kindle e-book from a
here to have the e-book version
delivered to a Kindle app on your tablet or phone. This
is the easiest method. Note, you will need to have the
Kindle app installed on your tablet or phone. To do
this, go to the App Store.
If you are purchasing the Kindle e-book from an iPad or
iPhone, you'll need to have the Kindle app installed.
Open Safari on your device and go to
Then, in the top search bar, type in 'Oken BOOM' and it
will bring you to the page to purchase it.
On a Musical Note:
Yes, this seems like it's been the longest time (thank you very much

On a lighter note:
Reach out. Stay connected.
Stay home. Save lives. The power of one. Be well.
Feel free to forward this
on: spread the word, not the virus. |
Harry A. Oken, M.D.
Office: 410-910-7500, Fax: 410-910-2310 |
Cell: 443-324-0823 |
Adjunct Professor of Medicine |
University of Maryland School of Medicine |