Dear Patients,
It's another Friday and today I want address some recent
questions I've received by reviewing some facts as we know
them today; they may be different from yesterday and may
change again tomorrow.
This is primarily a respiratory virus.
tay home if you are coughing or sneezing or if you have
other symptoms such as loss of taste or smell, fever,
chills, or achy. And be sure to call me.
A sneeze or cough sends out lots of particles.
Face masks can decrease transmission from person to
person so wear one whenever you are out of your safe
N-95 masks (that fit properly) are for high-risk
situations such as for health care workers taking care
of COVID+ people or taking care of high-risk patients.
Yes, we can demonstrate that under certain conditions,
the particles can travel >20', but this was under lab
Yes, we can demonstrate that objects and surfaces can
become contaminated with low levels of virus.
Yes, in the lab, the virus can live on surfaces for up
to 3 days; this is a very unlikely way to get the
Yes, you can pick it up from a contaminated object, but
if you wash your hands and do not touch your face, your
risk is low; wearing a face mask helps decrease the
chance of touching your face.
Direct sunlight kills the virus quickly! You can
decontaminate any object by placing it outside in direct
sunlight for 5 minutes.
Be careful in public bathrooms. Yes, COVID has been
found in toilets. It is likely not a great mode of
transmission but be sure to wear your face mask in a
public bathroom. To be extra careful, turn around after
When using an elevator, push the button with a pen or
key, and afterwards, use hand sanitizer.
No handshaking, hugs or kisses unless you are with a
family member or significant other who has been
following safety protocols.
The majority of people who get the infection won't have
any symptoms (50%) or mild symptoms (30%).
Hydroxychloroquine may have a role in the early
treatment of infection.
Remdesivir may have an impact if used early.
People taking blood pressure and heart medications who
are on ACE and ARBs are safe to continue using them.
People who are using Advil, Aleve, and prescription
anti-inflammatories are safe to continue using them.
Take Vitamin D, at least 2000 units per day.
The most vulnerable people are those in nursing
facilities; the people who take care of them need
Eat well, exercise regularly (not too much, not too
little), get outside in the sun for 20-30 minutes each
day, and get restorative sleep to boost your immune
Stay calm, have gratitude for what you have, and give
kindness to those in need.
"I carry a badge. My name's Friday."
"Just the facts, Ma'am."
- Detective Joe Friday of Dragnet
The numbers:
Maryland: 36,986 cases -/- 1,792 deaths -/- 4.8% fatality
Greater than 50% of the deaths in Maryland have been nursing
facility residents.
Maryland Rt was
updated this afternoon and is 0.96 (stable); the lower the
Diagnostics and Therapeutics:
Nothing new to report.
Please consider purchasing a copy or copies
Remember, all proceeds benefit COVID-19 research
at the University of Maryland Medical Center.
Ordering instructions are below.

My book update:
Another reminder, it's here - both as a paperback and Kindle
e-book! I have one request of you when you finish reading
this email if you haven't already done so, and that is to
please consider purchasing a copy or copies of my book to
help fund important COVID-19 research.
Instructions for ordering the book:
Paperback version -
here to go directly to Amazon.
Kindle e-book –
If you are purchasing the Kindle e-book from a
here to have the e-book version
delivered to a Kindle app on your tablet or phone. This
is the easiest method. Note, you will need to have the
Kindle app installed on your tablet or phone. To do
this, go to the App Store.
If you are purchasing the Kindle e-book from an iPad or
iPhone, you'll need to have the Kindle app installed.
Open Safari on your device and go to
Then, in the top search bar, type in 'Oken BOOM' and it
will bring you to the page to purchase it.
On a lighter note:
Reach out. Stay connected.
Stay home. Save lives. The power of one. Be well.
Feel free to forward this
on: spread the word, not the virus. |
Harry A. Oken, M.D.
Office: 410-910-7500, Fax: 410-910-2310 |
Cell: 443-324-0823 |
Adjunct Professor of Medicine |
University of Maryland School of Medicine |