Dear Patients,
Anxiety Disorder, EAD, is a real entity. I've witnessed it
on a daily basis with my patients and have felt it myself.
More than ever, this election seemed to have greater
significance than any previous elections. You may be happy
with the result or you may not, but we will go forward. If
you voted, then you exerted the control you could, and now
there's a new beginning for all of us. It's a fresh slate
and let's unite as a nation.
There is something else related to this that I've been
thinking about and I want to share. Thinking about the way
one is thinking is a process called meta-cognition.
Psychologists tell us that once you add something to your
collection of beliefs, you unconsciously protect it from
harm. You may have experienced this when you are confronted
with information that you may not agree with. Your thinking
process instinctively kicks in.
Confirmation bias is
the term to describe the practice of looking for information
that supports our way of thinking and disregarding
information that does not. You can find anything in a Google
search to confirm your convictions. The backfire effect is
the phenomenon that occurs when your beliefs only grow
stronger after being presented contradictory evidence. The
evolutionary neural wiring of the brain promotes our
emotional brain to override the cognitive brain almost every
time. Both of these concepts are important in the wake of a
newly elected President during this divisive time. Just
understand that we have these reflex ways of thinking and
depending on how our way of thinking is presented, it can
cause great emotional harm to the people we care about. If
we can acknowledge and understand the way we think, then
perhaps we can mend our disagreements that may have invoked
harm to long-cherished relationships. Interested in more on
this? Check
out this article.
Going forward, how can we heal? Let's find things we can
agree on and be thankful that we live in a democracy. |
The numbers:
This site shows the national trend; note
the cases are up, but hospitalizations have not reached
earlier peaks. The death rate is down and the population who
contracts COVID-19 is generally younger and healthier.
Maryland: The Rt is up across the country; in
Maryland it is
1.20; we want it to be <1.0. Next,
look at these graphs (be
sure to select Maryland in the top right corner). Daily
tests, cases, and hospitalizations are up and at the same
level as the last surge in July and August. However, the
death rate is falling and currently in Maryland it is 2.6%.
If we look at the death rate in Maryland for those under 50,
it is very low at 0.2%. If you add in under 60, it is 0.45%,
and if you add under 70, it is 0.87%. These numbers are very
close to seasonal influenza. The message is the same; we
need to be very protective of the vulnerable: people over
the age of 60, and those with co-morbidities (obesity,
diabetes, heart and lung disease, and those who are
immuno-compromised). |
The science of COVID:
No new studies to discuss.
Natural infection, combined with the anticipated
vaccine, will be the ultimate solution.
On a musical note:
We Can Work It Out by
The Beatles
On a lighter note: |
a reminder, I'm no longer sending out daily updates and
instead, I'm updating you periodically as things change.
Just like yesterday, face masks, social distancing, hand
washing and/or sanitizer whenever you need to leave your
safe zone. Stay home if you display any symptoms.
continue to enjoy writing these updates. Initially, these
were only sent to my patients, however, I've been humbled to
learn that, through social media, these writings have been
forwarded and re-forwarded to many. This has brought me
great joy to know that this simple act of sharing facts,
thoughts, opinions, and hopes have touched you in some way.
Hopefully, I've been able to reassure you, maybe make you
smile and laugh, soothe your worries, and comfort you. And
maybe, just maybe, I've helped you to be in the moment!
Reach out. Stay connected. Be well. Be smart.
Feel free to forward this on - spread the word, not the
HAO 24/7
Harry A. Oken, M.D.
Office: 410-910-7500, Fax: 410-910-2310, Cell: 443-324-0823
Adjunct Professor of Medicine, University of Maryland School
of Medicine