The numbers:
As of this morning, here are the numbers:
USA = 205 deaths, 14,250 positive, fatality rate
South Korea = 94 deaths, 8,652 positive,
fatality rate 1.0% (note - misquoted yesterday
as 0.2%, however that was number for Germany)
Germany = 44 deaths, 16,290 positives, fatality
rate 0.2%
It will take another 2-3 weeks to see the
effects of our lock down. I am told that a
large number of tests will be available locally
very soon. As our prevalence increases, I am
hopeful that we will see a trend toward a
reduction in the rate of fatalities. Anthony
Fauci, MD this morning said "I cannot see that
all of a sudden, next week or two weeks from now
it's going to be over. I don't think there's a
chance of that." Further, he said he thought it
will be several weeks before we have a better
sense of our trajectory.
It's happening. Antivirals, old drugs, and new
drugs, monoclonal antibodies, filters, passive
use of recovered patient serum. When the chips
are falling apart, that is when we find the
strength to rebuild. That is who we are.
Be safe. Stay home -- HAO 24/7
For urgent matters, please call my cell. For
non-urgent, please use email; due to the large
number of text messages I've been receiving,
it's too easy for me to miss some.
