
COVID19-122 - October 30, 2024 |
Dear Patients,
Sheryl Crowe is a
survivor: she survived Lance Armstrong and she survived
breast cancer. And she is still rocking!
On a musical note: |
On a musical note:
Sheryl Crowe's Every Day Is a Winding Road.
If you are feeling
down, take heart in this song and some of the lyrics:
Jump in, let's go |
Lay back, enjoy the show |
Everybody gets high, everybody gets low |
These are the days when anything goes |
A few announcements:
- Get your flu shot, if possible
before the end of November. Many pharmacies and grocery
stores are offering them, and most accept insurance.
- Although the flu vaccine only
prevents the flu in about 25% of the population, if you
get the flu, the shot reduces the need for medical
attention by about 60%.
- There are 3 RSV vaccines; I do not
recommend taking the mRNA RSV vaccine (Moderna and
mRESVIA) until more safety data is available.
- New data on the original 2 non-mRNA
RSV vaccines validates its safety. I recommend it for
people over the age of 75 or people over 60 with chronic
medical problems like diabetes, heart disease, lung
disease, or immunosuppression.
- The same continues to be true for
COVID-19 vaccines: I only suggest the protein subunit
vaccine (Novavax) for those people who feel vulnerable.
- I am not convinced the mRNA
vaccines are safe.
- Always ask the pharmacist to show
you the syringe or vial from which your immunization is
coming from before you allow them to inject you!
On a lighter note: Happy
As a reminder, I
no longer send out daily updates, instead, I'm updating you
periodically. I continue to enjoy writing these updates.
Initially, these were only sent to my patients, however,
I've been humbled to learn that, through social media, these
writings have been forwarded and re-forwarded to many. This
has brought me great joy to know that this simple act of
sharing facts, thoughts, opinions, and hopes has touched you
somehow. Hopefully, I've been able to reassure you, make you
smile and laugh, soothe your worries, and comfort you. And
maybe, just maybe, I've helped you to be in the moment!
Reach out. Stay connected. Stay home. Save lives. The power
of one. Be well.
Feel free to forward this on: spread the word, not the
Harry Oken, M.D.
Adjunct Professor of Medicine
University of Maryland, School of Medicine
Office 410-910-7500
Fax 410-910-2310
Cell 443-324-0823
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