I predict that soon, Governor Hogan will start the
re-opening of Maryland with the introduction of Phase One of
his plan. Under Phase One, many small businesses will be
allowed to re-open and "lower-risk" community activities
will resume. Examples that are listed include small retail
shops, boating, golfing, fishing, tennis, outdoor religious
activities, outdoor fitness and gym classes, and the
resumption of outpatient surgeries and hospital procedures
in counties with lower coronavirus infection rates.
I also expect an upcoming deluge of criticism to emerge
against the Federal and State Governments and their
decisions to close down the country. Disaster decisions are
made using the best information at the time. It's all about
the context of a given situation. Days, weeks, months and
even years later, the questioning will continue.
The numbers:
26,408 cases -/- 1,216 deaths -/- 4.6% fatality rate.
The Maryland Ro:
(see April 22 Update for explanation of Ro)
No real change, we remain in the green zone, 0.9; lower is
Locally, all remains stable.
Diagnostics and Therapeutics:
I am devoting this week to helping you use our new reality
to improve your life. There are teachable moments that we
can extract from this tragic disaster to make us stronger on
many levels. On Saturday, there was an excellent article in
The Washington Post entitled
Exercise can be hard to get
right now.
Here's what it means to your body (click to read the
article). Not surprisingly, the lead trainer quoted in this
article is my very own trainer,
Darrell Gough
(link for those Facebook users) who works for the
Columbia Association.
Kudos to Darrell and the Columbia Association!